Monday, May 30, 2016


Are you guys playing overwatch? I am!!! it's a great game and if you guys would like to add me as a friend go ahead : email: or my user tag: yvetter45 .... ahhhh i love this game i played the beta of it and it's very fun and addicting and i get competitive and i haven't been that way in a while so it's nice haha :) but i've enjoyed it, i have it on my pc, and it works fine although my laptop isn't like the best but it runs smoothly so i'm happy, but yeah please let me know if you play i would love to play with you guys in any chance i get :D

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Talk About Tag"

So my lovely cousin Carolina told me about this tag and asked if i wanted to do it! Of course i said yes... i'll link her page .... One and Only <----

1. Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.  .... Um well it's the Movie The Crow
which the main character is Bruce Lee's son, Brandon Lee... the first time i watched it i was pretty young and i couldn't really remember much of it but i was a bit scared of the makeup he wore, haha but i guess i enjoyed it.

2. Talk about your first kiss. ... My First kiss was in elementary school, it was in second grade but it was an accidental kiss, me and one of my best guy friends bumped our lips into each others lol it was a really innocent kiss

3. Talk about the person you've had the most intense romantic feelings for. ... well i'm not really experienced with relationships, i've been on a couple of dates from here and there and only have been in one relationship which was senior year of highschool, and i talked about him on my podcast as well as my blog a while ago. It lasted for a month, it was a nice relationship, i had such giddy feelings for him, and i felt butterflies every time i hung out with him so yeah that's someone i've had pretty romantic feelings even though we didn't last long :)

4. Talk about the thing you regret most so far. ... right now i can't really think of something i regretted, it's a cliche to say but i don't regret anything, it's happened it's in the past and it's an experience and i grow from it!

5. Talk about the best birthday you've ever had. ... hmmmm... i guess having my cousins over for my bday was a really cool time, we used to always see each other on our birthdays

6. Talk about the worst birthday you've ever had. ... um well apparently when i was younger i wanted to get like a special free desert for my bday from the chili pepper, we go there all the time... but i ended up not liking the desert because it wasn't the same thing they gave my brother which was cool lol

7. Talk about your biggest insecurity. ... my biggest insecurity would have to be my anxiety, i can talk about it and share my feelings but sometimes it sucks because it's my own weakness

8. Talk about the thing you are most proud of. ... I am most proud of the fact that i am pretty nice in general to people, i take a lot of pride to be a kind person and treat everyone with respect until i feel as though they don't deserve it.

9. Talk about the little things on your body that you like the most. ... I like the birthmarks i have around my body, i have a little brown dot on my face, some on my hands, i think they are cute! i like my mouth lol it's pretty small but pouty

10. Talk about the biggest fight you've ever had. ... it was with my best friend since elementary school, it came to a time that i just couldn't really be friends with her anymore for various reasons, so i just left, and i know that looks bad on my part, we are okay now, no hard feelings but i don't mind if i do talk to her or not, it's whatever.

11. Talk about the best dream you've ever had. ... Oh gosh... i've had sooooo many dreams, countless of ones i can remember and others that i can't, i think for right now i'll say this one, i really like the dream i had with this guy i'm going on a date with, in my dream we went to disneyland, tried to ride all the rides, held hands, saw the fire works show, and kissed, it was a very simple dream compared to my weird and whacky ones but i enjoyed it :)

12. Talk about the worst dream you've ever had. ... the worst dream i've ever had for sure had to be a nightmare i had of my house burning down, i woke up to a fire starting in the kitchen, i went downstairs and woke up my brother and then i went upstairs to tell my parents and other brother that we should get out of the house because it's on fire, but my brother went back to sleep and he died from the smoke of the fire, so i had to save everyone else but it the end i couldn't and i died shortly after.

13. Talk about the first time you had sex/ how you imagine your first time. ... i imagine my first time to be uncomfortable, not because i'm "insecure" about my body, but because it will be my first time and it will most likely hurt to do intercourse lol

14. Talk about a vacation. ... Ah i went to Puerto Rico, lol the plane ride there i had a panic attack and felt like throwing up because i haven't been on a plane since a long time so i got nervous. but the trip was beautiful, everything from the rain forest to just the location of the hotel, the pools, the beaches, the people, everything was amazing.

15. Talk about the time you were most content in life. ... i was most content recently, because i've learned to finally love myself despite all my imperfections and or flaws, especially my mental disorder lol but i've learn to truly love myself for who i've become as a young woman.

16. Talk about the best party you've ever been to. ... oh come on, Caro are you going to say the same as me ;) lol Maira's wedding was just unbelievable.. i loved everything, the decoration, the dancing, seeing you, getting to drink those shirley temples and feeling drunk?! did he spike our drinks? ;D lol but gosh that was an experience and it's a shame i can't really describe it for what it was but just wonderful

17. Talk about someone you want to be friends with. ... I want to be friends any of caro' s friends lol i think it would be cool just to meet any of them

18. Talk about something that happened in elementary school. ... well i remember once i had like a free demo in my mailbox, and i went to give it to my crush... lol jacob where you at? and he loved me for it, well i thought he did hahaha!! but he really was thankful for it and i was like a pretty cool girl for giving it to him and all the guys were jealous that i didn't give it to them

19. Talk about something that happened in middle school. ... i had the swine flu lol that was the most memorable memories i've had from middle school lol which is bad, middle school was whatever, but i had the swine flu, i got it from someone at school, i threw up a lot lol it was like a regular flu and the time that i had it, it wasn't severe anymore to the point that it could kill me, it just made me throw up and i remember getting a call from my friends and my friend asked " you're not dead? we all thought you were going to die. yvette why aren't you dead?" lol why did my friends ask that? lol

20. Talk about something that happened in high school. ... Grad night was really memorable for me, i had a great time going to grad night with all of my close girlfriends, we went to some rides, we didn't go to a crazy amount, but we had a blast, i remember dancing with them, acting silly, i cried with one of my best friends danielle, because she felt a bit sad at the end of the day, there was a lot on her mind, and so she told me and i listened, and listening helped... and i gave her a big hug.. and we cried, and although it was a sad moment, it was a great one because we became closer with each other,, it was beautiful at the moment, and i love her to death :)

well guys i completed the first 20 questions of the tag i will do the other 20 another day, hopefully not too long :) take care and thank you again Caro for suggesting this tag to me, i love you, and you guys better check her out, she's amazing <3

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Spring Classes

Hey guys i just wanted to make an update as to what i'm busy with, i'm still reading Killjoy and i love it so i'm busy with that and i'll be making another currently reading soon, probably next week since my book isn't due until march 4th. I wanted to talk about the Spring Classes that i'm taking, i'm taking Psychology 8 which is social psychology and i am taking it with a professor that i had the last time i had psych, i love that professor so i thought of taking her class again. I have math, which is meh because it's not something i personally like, but i have a great teacher so that makes up for it, and the last class i have is english and i wanted the same professor i had last time but turns out she isn't teaching for this semester so i decided to get someone new and she seems nice and hard working so i hope i'll be able to like her and the way she teaches, so yeah i've been busy with school but i do want to at least make a post each week from now on whether it's just something that happened in my life or a currently reading post, but either way i just want to keep this updated throughout my life and see where i can from now on, now that this is a new school year and new possibilities and new lessons, so i hope you guys take care and i'll talk to you all soon! :)

Friday, February 12, 2016

Currently Reading: Killjoy by Julie Garwood

Hello everyone!! I went to my public library and picked this up :)

Description: Her razor-sharp mind and ability to decipher evidence have made Avery Delaney an expert crime analyst for the FBI. Now she will have to use every one of her skills on a case that hits painfully close to home. Avery's beloved aunt Carolyn was on her way to a posh spa in the Colorado mountains. But she never arrived. With scant clues and fewer resources, Avery must track down Carolyn-- and outmaneuver a brilliant killer name Monk, who is part of an elaborate plot of madness and lethal vengeance.

Where to buy: Killjoy <--- so on this website it costs $1.00 for a hardcover version of it, but the shipping cost is $4.00 so of course the overall cost is $5.00, which still is not too bad if you are interested in it :) i got mine for free because of course i'm renting it from my library, so if you're able to also find this at your local library then you can just read it for free!!

Stepping on Roses 1 & 2: omggggg i am already in love with this series and i've only read 2 of the volumes out of 9..... oh gosh, it's everything i personally look forward into a manga series, romantic comedy and just frustration of these characters not liking each other at first but then of course they end up falling in love with each other either ways.. man i hate to love it!! :D such a cute series and it's really funny, it's definitely something i recommend for people that love the cutesy romantic comedy type of mangas, i can't wait to read the other ones soon!!

Well thank you guys for viewing this and i'll talk to you all soon!! Take care guys :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Currently Reading: Stepping on Roses Volume 1 & 2 by Rinko Ueda


Hey guys so now i am currently reading Stepping on Roses Volume 1 & 2, and sadly i did not finish The Midnight Club by James Patterson, i didn't want to finish it because i wasn't enjoying it, and i know other people like to finish the book regardless of what they think about it, but i'm not one of those people, and i commend the people that are willing to do that because once i'm not interested in a book then i won't read it anymore. With that being said let's go onto this series, for this one i will be reading two volumes at a time because i don't think it's a finished series, and i want to take time reading these and then switching off to other books that i find at the library or that i have at home, so for right now i'll be taking turns, i'll still give a quick review of these books once i finish the two volumes that i will read. I'll give a short review since i am not going to be completely done with th whole series at a get go.

Description: Poor Sumi Kitamura.... Her irresponsible older brother Eisuke keeps bringing home orphans for her to take care of even though they can barely afford their own basic needs! Just when Sumi's financial problems become dire, wealthy Soichiro Ashida enters her life with a bizarre proposition: he'll provide her with the money she so desperately needs if she agrees to marry him. But can Sumi fool high society into thinking she's a proper lady? Moreover, is it worth giving up everything for this sham of a marriage?

Where to buy: personally i bought mine on my nook, i bought both of them and each cost $4.49 but when i look at other websites it's a bit pricier i guess because it's the physical book itself, Stepping on Roses  <---- so on amazon there are different prices for different qualities, so the first one costs $15.49 with $3.99 of shipping and handling so altogether it would cost $19.48 for the book

Hope you guys enjoyed this and i'll update you guys soon once im finished with these and once i get a new book to read :)

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Sunrise coming out of shore, never once and never more.. it's golden glare reflects the sky and that is why i'll always remember you Sunrise. They always tell me to see you every chance i get because i'm never sure of what simple bliss i've met when i see you. Blue as the sky and as yellow as my heart because it keeps on shining with all its might, even though it keeps getting weighed down on. But never you sunrise, because you tend to rise above the rest for all of them to grasp in comfort in. That is why i'll always remember you sunrise, even until the day that i might die.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this little poem, i did it freely just now and thought it would be nice to give myself a picture from the internet to look at and create a story out of it, and i think it's beautiful to see how people comprehend pictures in their own way, and this is the way i comprehended this photo, take care everyone

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Currently Reading: The Midnight Club by James Patterson

I just finished A little something different, so if you want to see my review then wait till the end of this post :)

Description: Nobody knows the underbelly of the city of like New York cop John Stefanovitch. He's out to get Alexandre St- Germain, the most powerful member of the Midnight Club -- a secret international society of ruthless crime czars, all of whom are ' respectable' businessmen.
And Stef's the ideal man for the job-- until he's leveled by a blast from St. Germain's shotgun and left for dead. Now, Stef is back, wheelchair bound, yet sworn to destroy St. Germain.
With the help of a beautiful journalist and a Harlem cop, Stef is determined to crack the Midnight Club. And he's up against odds that are unknown as they are deadly!

Where to buy it: The Midnight Club <-- you can find it on amazon as a used book for just $3. 98

A Little Something Different: this book does fit it's title because it is something a little different, with the whole perspective change from 14 characters and i found it very nicely done, it wasn't confusing nor was it ever boring, it was a fun simple read and very cutesy, it reminded me a lot of fangirl, which i have also read and put up a review here, because it takes place in college with two people falling in love with each other, but even though they had some similarities they were both executed differently with their styles of writing, i really enjoyed reading this book and getting to find myself become giggly at some points because this couple was super duper cute, i would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a book similar to fangirl as well as wanting to read something that will make them laugh and smile throughout it.

Well thanks everyone who looked through this and i'll talk to you guys later when i find something else to read, take care guys!! :)

Just me being Dorky

Just me being Dorky