Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My Disneyland, Dinosaur Amusement Park, Sofia Vergara Dream - 12/30/15

My dreams are pretty weird so i thought it would be cool to kind of showcase them with other people considering i'm not really sure of why these dreams even happen to me.. dreams are very weird, or at least i think so but lately i've had a dream journal in which i put down my dreams in and kind of try to remember to my best ability of what they are and well i thought it would be cool to kind of share it and possibly find some meaning to it. So first off my dream or what i can last remember of it started out with my mom and dad and i going to disneyland, and i remember some of the rides being different from the actual rides in the amusement park, i remember my dad not really wanting to go because he told me that " people keep on dying here", so then we left, and next i saw that my friends had contacted me to let me know that we should go on an adventure of some sorts because they saw people posting pictures of this cool place that was like a dinosaur theme park.

but this wasn't your average dinosaur amusement park because i remember a glacier with a dinosaur on top of it as well as these different types of leg springs

which look like that ^^^^ ... and these leg springs have to be connected to us to simulate a dinosaurs hop because their behind legs are more sprung out and further back than our actual legs can go, and this was an obstacle course in the happenings because we had to survive the dinosaurs that were going to attack us, and on facebook i saw that my friend Harrison posted a graph showing that he was going to take up level 11 as a challenge, which on the picture showed that it was a steep wall that went upwards, and apparently that was the most challenging course of the amusement park.. and finally i then saw a random picture of Sofia Vergara that showed her on a boat but in the picture i saw a fish had went down right in between her boobs and the caption was " Fishy uh oh!!"...

now i'll look up the key terms that i had within this dream and see what this means....

Disneyland - May represent childhood memories relating to a movie or visit to a Disney theme park.
May represent feeling a need for adventure, fun and excitement.
May suggest compensating for a lack of happiness in waking life.
May represent someone you know that resembles or behaves like a Disney character.
May represent an aspect of yourself that behaves like a Disney character.

Dinosaurs - May represent something from your past that has been dug up.
May represent feeling old.
May represent something ancient or very old.
May represent an outdated attitude or way of thinking or being.

Celebrities - May represent the part of you that is like that celebrity or identifies with his/her qualities.
May symbolize what the celebrity is famous or known for and how you relate to those abilities.
May represent your obsession with a certain celebrity that is carrying over into your dreams.
May suggest a wish fulfillment in that you are wanting what they have.

thanks for seeing this guys!!! Take care :)

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Just me being Dorky

Just me being Dorky